Posts tagged Toronto
Its Easter Again
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I’m Back !!. I know it has been a long time since I have last checked in, Im back now and ready to pick up where I left off.  Since my last post a lot has happened, including an international move from Toronto, Canada to Melbourne, Australia. This is a new city for me and while it is an amazing exciting place to be,  although it will take me some time to get to know all the hidden gems that it has offer. Not to mention a new addition to our family will arrive at the end of June. So things have been rather busy to say the least. 

My little guy has spent the day excitement and a sugar daze. Hunting for eggs at every turn, we kept hiding the eggs that he had already found to make the fun last as long as we could. In all the excitement he wasn’t counting everything he had found, and, I guess at only four years old he was easy to trick. Growing up we usually got music tapes or cassettes and one giant egg. I am lucky that Elliot loves to play dress ups and he wasn’t totally focused on all the chocolate but the adventure of finding all the treasure and perhaps even finding the Easter Bunny himself.

The last 12 months has been a journey and exercise in the art of patience and learning to accept a certain amount of chaos in your life. You could be the most organized person in the world and yet you will still find yourself at the mercy of other people and companies. I have moved a lot and I have learnt what to stress about and what to relinquish control of. I hope you all enjoyed your Easter break and I will be posting another story soon.

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Friends With Skills

My move to Canada has been such a wonderful experience and part of that is due to the wonderful people that I have been fortunate enough to meet. So with that in mind I would like to dedicate and occasional blog post to one of my many talented friends with amazing skills. 




My dear friend Chieko and her family have called Toronto, Canada home for the last three years. They have seen almost everything in Canada and embraced enjoyed a Canadian existence while they where here. A lot of wonderful things have happened in her life since arriving in Toronto, it is here that she and her husband welcomed the gorgeous baby girl Nagisa. Chieko and her family are soon leaving Canada to return to Japan. Although she has thoroughly enjoyed her Canadian life and is sad to leave her Canadian life and friends behind, she is looking forward to have family close by, especially with a toddler. 

Chieko has spent a lot of time in North America, Studying English in Hawaii. While in Hawaii she also studied the art creating Lei's. A Lei is a traditional floral wreath used in Hawaiian and Polynesian culture as a symbol of friendship and celebration. 

Chieko has talked about her process with me during our many walks along the Toronto Waterfront. She is always aware of what flowers are in season and often searches the flower markets looking for the right kind of flower. Timing is important as the flowers often will wilt when handled too much and she also takes great care in selecting the color pallet always keeping in mind who she is making the crown for and what colors would suit them.

I'm sure that anyone can tell from looking at my website that I am a little obsessed with the floral crowns, so of course I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to collaborate together and document the artist herself with her beautiful crowns and the gorgeous daughter Nagisa who likes to blow me a kiss every time I see her. Farewell my beautiful friends, I will miss my kisses xo.


If you would like to see anymore of Chieko work you can see it on instagram @leimaking_toronto  

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