Posts tagged toronto photographer
Dear Mommy
Dear Mommy| MOTHER & CUB-1.jpg

Happy Mothers' Day to everybody out there. I have had a wonderful two weeks leading up to Mothers day filled with Mini Sessions. So many little cuties and beautiful mothers, many were first-time parents, got me thinking about Motherhood.

Before I became a parent I had no idea what Motherhood would be like. During my pregnancy, I was offered insights by other mothers about what in my life will change. I think that I deliberately chose the philosophy that ignorance is bliss. I really wasn't interested in listing to anything that would challenge my idealistic outlook that things will only change if you let them and that I was in control. Needless to say that I was in complete shock when I realized just how much control I didn't have, over anything. And that yes, everything does, did, and continues to change. 

I have this constant distraction, that even when I am not with them I am still thinking about them. This tiny little creature depends on me for everything and loves spending time with me so much that they will hang off me and always smiles when they see me.

My son makes me feel like I am one of the Beatles. But, would I trade that in for a sleep in? Maybe just an hour  


I hope you all had a wonderful day.

Even though my husband did forget (yes he did) I still got to be one of the Beatles.

Nothing is better than that.

Carrie & Joseph
Carrie & Joseph | Mother & Cub-7.jpg

Spring is in the air! Well in Toronto it is springtime, although right now the city is covered in a blanket of ice and snow. But if you look closely enough there are signs of spring and new beginnings everywhere.

Speaking of new beginnings Carrie and Joseph reached out to me for me to photograph a  Maternity Session. With only one month to go until they welcomed their first child together, it was lovely to see this couple relaxed and clam they were . You couldn't have met a more prepared couple. They had everything organized and ready for their new addition to their family.

I couldn't help but think that it was such a contrast to how I felt at that stage of my pregnancy, which i could only describe as a little anxious, which would be an understatement.  At the end o f the session these two even asked me if i had any advice that could offer. All I could say sleep,  get as much sleep as you can before the baby arrives, uninterrupted blissful sleep (oh how I miss you). 

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Hello 2018
Quebec City, Saint Lawrence River| Mother & Cub.jpg

Is it really February already?

I decided to give myself a well deserved time out over the silly season, and when I finally came up for air and opened up my Christmas post that has been sitting in my draft box since the 25th of December, it was February. Oh well, and to fully embrace my only New Years resolution about not  being so hard on myself all I can say is Que Sera, Sera

Deciding what to do with this last Christmas was an easy choice for my family. As an Australian my Christmas’s where usually spent enduring blistering heat eating cold seafood, and a lot of drinking, usually while listing to Christmas albums with songs that taunted us with what Christmas experience should be. There were never any sleigh bells ringing and there were definitely never any chestnuts roasting on an open fire Songs like Let It Snow, Baby Its Cold Outside, but none the less it didn’t feel like Christmas without those songs like Let It Snow and Baby Its Cold Outside playing in the background while we sweat over our Christmas feast. These Australians were determined to experience a white Christmas and with that in mind, we packed our bags filled with presents and thermals and headed to Quebec City for Christmas.

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Quebec City Old Town| Mother & Cub-31.jpg
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Waking up this morning was magical, there was a thick layer of snow covering our windows this morning as I looked out into the courtyard of the hotel in the heart of the old city. Something about the snow makes everything seem quiet. It was honestly the coldest I think I have ever been in my life and the wind-chill brought a tear to my eye, not only because your eye water in the cold weather but also because after 100m in -35 temperatures I realised that there was such a thing as being too cold, and no matter how much I wanted to explore this glorious city I had had enough and wanted to go back inside. But I persevered as wandering around the old town of Quebec City is a magical experience, I felt as if I had been transported to one of the many beautiful villages scattered throughout the Loire Valley in France.  

I must admit that I never really thought about going away at Christmas time before, but, I don’t know why I didn't do it sooner. We don’t have any family in Toronto, so there weren’t any social commitments so it was either celebrate Christmas buy ourselves in our condo in Toronto or go away. Although yes being on a holiday or planning one can be stressful especially if you are like me and feel responsible for everyone's enjoyment of the day. This was great, no grocery shopping, no cooking, no trying to find things at the last minute dash to the Eaton Centre. All I had to do was make some reservations for our holiday feasting, pack my bags and relax.

The only stressful part of our trip was a very willful three-year old that has fully embraced the word NO and refused to comply basic with air travel safety rules, like wearing a seatbelt and not screaming.  Yes, I felt many uneasy eyes on me I don’t blame these people as I am sure that I was once one of them. I guess know it was my turn.



Baby It's Cold Outside
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Oh Canada, you are so cold.  When I arrived last year I was warned that the Toronto winter had been pretty mild as far as Canadian winters go. And although as far as winter is concerned I haven’t really experienced the “true cold” yet, I can see why Canada the is known as The Great White North. 


When I look out the living room of my condo onto the blanket of white covering the Harbour Front, through the sea of glowing twinkle lights I can see everyone braving the cold and enjoying the ice skating with natural grace like they were born to skate. Lately, I have been besieged with invitations to go ice skating, but alas for me I was graced with two left feet. 


In fact, the very same two left feet that caused me to trip and fall in a pothole on the sidewalk in Montreal last year. Only after three days of pain and a giant elbow, I thought that I should get a doctor, who informed me that I had fractured my elbow and dislocated my arm. Which as a result has made me a little gun shy when it comes to walking on a slippery hard surface balancing my entire body weight over two sharp blades less than 1 cm in diameter. But, I think that its pretty reasonable as most of my experience with Ice is in melted form as Australia has more water then it has ice.


So I’m not sure that the ice and me will be a good fit, but I am determined to get my skates on this season. I would love my little guy to have fun on the ice but unless I can stand on my own skate without falling how can I how can I teach him. Luckily, Daddy was more than happy to oblige.  After 35 minutes on the ice and only covering about 15 meters, we finished our afternoon on the ice and like magic Elliot was able to stand up only with the promise of a hot chocolate. 

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