Posts tagged lifestyle photography
Baby It's Cold Outside
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Oh Canada, you are so cold.  When I arrived last year I was warned that the Toronto winter had been pretty mild as far as Canadian winters go. And although as far as winter is concerned I haven’t really experienced the “true cold” yet, I can see why Canada the is known as The Great White North. 


When I look out the living room of my condo onto the blanket of white covering the Harbour Front, through the sea of glowing twinkle lights I can see everyone braving the cold and enjoying the ice skating with natural grace like they were born to skate. Lately, I have been besieged with invitations to go ice skating, but alas for me I was graced with two left feet. 


In fact, the very same two left feet that caused me to trip and fall in a pothole on the sidewalk in Montreal last year. Only after three days of pain and a giant elbow, I thought that I should get a doctor, who informed me that I had fractured my elbow and dislocated my arm. Which as a result has made me a little gun shy when it comes to walking on a slippery hard surface balancing my entire body weight over two sharp blades less than 1 cm in diameter. But, I think that its pretty reasonable as most of my experience with Ice is in melted form as Australia has more water then it has ice.


So I’m not sure that the ice and me will be a good fit, but I am determined to get my skates on this season. I would love my little guy to have fun on the ice but unless I can stand on my own skate without falling how can I how can I teach him. Luckily, Daddy was more than happy to oblige.  After 35 minutes on the ice and only covering about 15 meters, we finished our afternoon on the ice and like magic Elliot was able to stand up only with the promise of a hot chocolate. 

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new additions
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This post is dedicated to all those first-time parents to be and parents preparing to welcome another child. Last year my dear friend from my Mother's group was expecting her second child. She was the first of our little group of first-time mothers to venture into new territory of parenthood and become a mother of two. I thought that she was so brave, if it were me, I would have been in a panic and a constant state of anxiety anticipating the struggles that were ahead of me, like thinking about all the sleep I would have to go without.


For me the baby fog only really lifted when my son had reached the age of one, that's when I finally felt like I had some idea of what I was doing as a parent and I began to relax into the role. While watching my friend it occurred to me that I never took the time to embrace my own pregnancy, it was just something I got through. It is only now upon reflection, that I wish that I had made the effort to enjoy this temporary phase of my life and embrace all the good with the bad. Now that I realize now how lucky I was to have this experience and if there is a next time I will make the effort to appreciate it.


I noticed that my friend from Mother's group seemed to take everything in her stride and she even made it so look easy. She even had that elusive pregnancy glow that I heard so much about, but never had myself, she was glowing and positive and although I know she was tired she was always positive. Since I have moved to Canada there have been a few more additions to our Mother's group. I do miss these ladies and their beautiful bubs, if I could have I would have loved to have documented all their journey's. However, I was lucky enough that my beautiful glowing friend allowed me capture this special time in her life before I left Australia.

Congratulations to all of you and your new additions.

Miss you

Kate xo

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